
Biomedicine Environmental Science Astronomy Geology  Genetics and Ancestry Microbiology Music and Math: Sound and Wave Physics

English 2

Shakespeare and the Art of Rhetoric / Existentialism in Literature Cosmopolitanism in Literature / Dystopian Literature Screenplay Writing Novel Writing Print Journalism: Newspaper Broadcast Journalism Debate Yearbook


Spanish 1 Spanish 2 Spanish 3

Judaic Elective

Is it Love? Relationships in the Tanach Talmud Chulin: The Laws and Philosophy of Food Great Jewish Correspondence & Essays

Judaic Core

5 Megilot: The Story of our Lives The Denominational Divide Talmud Chulin: The Laws and Philosophy of Food

Service Entrepreneurship

Each Friday students will dedicate time towards growing their experience, skills and commitment to making an impact in their world. Through a blend of training, mentorship, and real-world involvement with […]

Option 9A

What Comes Next? Mashiach & The World to Come The Sephardi Experience: Taste, Sounds, & Sights The Halachic Traveler The Israeli Arab Conflict


Digital Art and Design 2D Art 3D Art Digital Photography Music Production and Sound Design Digital Music Vocal Workshop Groove Workshop 4 Video Production Drama Jazz/Rock Band Modern Movement


Machine Learning, Virtual and Augmented Reality Principles of Engineering

Science 2

Biology Chemistry Forensic Chemistry Zoology Marine Science Plant Science Anatomy and Physiology


Algebra 2 Precalculus Number Theory & Counting and Probability: Art of Problem Solving (AoPS) Statistics AoPS Competition Prep


Civics/Economics American Government Human Geography Sociology Psychology History Of The Americas Modern Jewish History History Of The Middle East International Business Microeconomics


The Classics: Power and Revenge / Literature of Oppression and Hope What is Love? / Literature in Question People on the Periphery / World Literature: Asia World Literature: Europe / […]

Center for Talented Youth, Johns Hopkins

JLA has established a relationship with John Hopkins University in order to offer our students advanced college level courses while in high school. Admission to the program is highly selective, […]

Option 9

An optional 9th period at the end of the school day dedicated to additional learning choices that will provide students with the opportunity to pursue study in an area of […]

JLA Ba’Aretz

Students will spend the first 3.5 weeks of school every year in Israel immersed in Judaic and Israel studies which will serve as a catalyst for student bonding with each […]

Morning Joe

A student-led seminar held each Friday morning that encourages students to participate in robust discussions focused on local and global news while teaching them to think critically about how information […]