Biomedicine Environmental Science Astronomy Geology Genetics and Ancestry Microbiology Music and Math: Sound and Wave Physics
English 2
The Faces of American Literature / Jewish Literature (Advanced) Screenplay Writing Novel Writing Print Journalism: Newspaper Broadcast Journalism Debate Yearbook
Spanish 1 Spanish 2 Spanish 3
10th Grade
• Maimonides: The Man & ::His Work::• GOT: The Rise & Fall of ::Israel’s Kings::• Rashi & Ramban: ::Commentary & Contrast
Option 9B
Judaic Elective
Hasidut: A Spiritual Journey Mussar: Jewish Ethical Improvement Jewish Art and Music
Judaic Core
Moshe’s perspective: Analyzing Bamidbar & Devarim Talmud Sanhedrin: Justice and Ethics Maimonides: The Man & His Work
Service Entrepreneurship
Each Friday students will dedicate time towards growing their experience, skills and commitment to making an impact in their world. Through a blend of training, mentorship, and real-world involvement with […]
Digital Art and Design 2D Art 3D Art Digital Photography Music Production and Sound Design Digital Music Vocal Workshop Groove Workshop 4 Video Production Drama Jazz/Rock Band Modern Movement
Option 9A
What Comes Next? Mashiach & The World to Come The Sephardi Experience: Taste, Sounds, & Sights The Halachic Traveler The Israeli Arab Conflict
Hebrew/World Language
Conversational Hebrew 1 Conversational Hebrew 2
Applied Data Science Robotics 2
Science 2
Biology Chemistry Forensic Chemistry Zoology Marine Science Plant Science Anatomy and Physiology
Geometry Algebra 2 Precalculus: Art of Problem Solving (AoPS) Statistics AoPS Competition Prep
American History Human Geography Sociology Psychology History Of The Americas Modern Jewish History History Of The Middle East International Business Microeconomics
The Lost Generation and the Harlem Renaissance The American Dream: Promise or Illusion? The Quest for Belonging / Literature of Ethics and Technology Coming of Age/ Graphic Novels
Nesher Project
An hour of time each week devoted to project and inquiry based activities designed to encourage students to problem solve and think critically. During this period students will question, research, […]
Center for Talented Youth, Johns Hopkins
JLA has established a relationship with John Hopkins University in order to offer our students advanced college level courses while in high school. Admission to the program is highly selective, […]
Physical Conditioning
Basketball Dance Martial Arts Soccer Tennis Volleyball Weight Training Yoga
Option 9
An optional 9th period at the end of the school day dedicated to additional learning choices that will provide students with the opportunity to pursue study in an area of […]
JLA Ba’Aretz
Students will spend the first 3.5 weeks of school every year in Israel immersed in Judaic and Israel studies which will serve as a catalyst for student bonding with each […]
JLA Entrepreneur Program
Sophomores will be placed in groups and challenged over a nine week period to create and market a product or service. At the end of the quarter each group will […]
Morning Joe
A student-led seminar held each Friday morning that encourages students to participate in robust discussions focused on local and global news while teaching them to think critically about how information […]